Movember - It's Time To Think About Men's Health
1st November 2009 -
Views: 1192
November marks the beginning of Movember, the annual moustache-growing charity event aimed at raising awareness and funding for men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer and depression.
Travel To Africa
1st November 2009 -
Views: 1316
One of the purposes of my trip will be to strengthen Australia's ties with key development partners. I will be meeting with government representatives in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi and with heads of humanitarian agencies including the World Food Programme and UNICEF.
More Than 12,000 Reasons To Help The Homeless This Christmas
1st November 2009 -
Views: 1318
Even more disturbing was that it turned away more than 12,720 people or 35 people a day from centres in Sydney, the Central Coast and Newcastle.
Save Hundreds On Phone Bill And Cut Kidney Deaths In Australia
31st October 2009 -
Views: 1292
Derek Finch, Head of Customer Operations, Kidney Health Australia said customers of KHA Comms are able to designate a percentage of their telephone service account as a tax deductible donation to Kidney Health Australia, which will enable them to claim a tax deduction.
Clarius Staff Sacrificing A Day Of Pay In Support Of Canteen 2
30th October 2009 -
Views: 1136
Beverley Brock, CanTeen’s National Partnership s Manager, said this was the first time an Australian corporate partner had taken up the What a Difference a Day Makes model of sacrificing a day of pay.