One Big Hearted Lady Sees A Big Future For Signing Choir
8th December 2009 -
Views: 1138
While ageing brings its own unique set of challenges, 84 year old Veronica Rogers has put hers
aside in a determined quest to afford every opportunity to a group of gifted and determined
youngsters at the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC).
Launch Of The Asprey 'protector Collection'
7th December 2009 -
Views: 958
The 'Protector Collection' has been meticulously created with Asprey by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to benefit a charity close to their hearts.
Field Of Women Live 2010 Announcement 1
4th December 2009 -
Views: 936
This powerful human display, ahead of the AFL’s Round 7 contest between the Demons and the Western Bulldogs, will highlight the growing number of Australians affected each year by breast cancer, and bring the statistics to life.
Big Result At Homebush Set To Drive Interest In New Diabetes Campaign
3rd December 2009 -
Views: 905
Jack was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2006 at the age of 19, and since that time has played an active role in diabetes education for Roche Diagnostics and diabetes related groups like the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Summer Fun A Warning For Children
1st December 2009 -
Views: 967
As a not-for-profit organisation who works for critically injured kids, we see many children go through the emergency room doors every summer.