Funerals Commence In Haiti As Relief Efforts Scale Up
25th January 2010 -
Views: 755
Caritas relief efforts extended to more than 30,000 people in Haiti, mourners yesterday commemorated
the life of Port au Prince’s Archbishop and vicar General, killed in the January 12 earthquake.
Church Resources (nfp/sme), Joins Big Supplier Partners To Assist Haitian Appeal
22nd January 2010 -
Views: 577
Last week, Church Resources CEO, Luke Kenny, announced the organization was giving $10,000 to support the Caritas Australia Haiti Emergency Response Appeal.
Haiti Government Requests Help From World Society For The Protection Of Animals
22nd January 2010 -
Views: 770
Gerardo Huertas, Director of Disaster Management for the Americas, WSPA says, “Over the last few days, WSPA’s team of highly trained emergency relief staff have been preparing for just such an opportunity.
Caritas Calls For $46 Million To Assist 200,000 In Haiti
22nd January 2010 -
Views: 847
The international Caritas network has called for donations of over AUD $46 million
to assist 200,000 earthquake affected people in Haiti over the coming two months.
Free Information Service Launched For Disaster-struck Population In Haiti: Text Your Location 4636 T
18th January 2010 -
Views: 713
The service allows
survivors of Haiti's earthquake to receive critical information by text
message directly to their phones, free of charge.