Charity Press Releases & Articles 36 - 40 of 293

Woolworths And Progressive Enterprises Pledge A$50,000 To Tsunami Relief starstarstarstarstar   2nd October 2009 - Views: 787 On behalf of its Australian and New Zealand employees, Woolworths and Progressive Enterprises are donating A$50,000 to the New Zealand Red Cross to assist with tsunami relief efforts.

Caritas Launches Communities In Crisis - Asia Pacific Appeal With $250k - Pleas starstarstarstarstar   2nd October 2009 - Views: 786 Caritas Launches Communities In Crisis - Asia Pacific Appeal With $250k - Pleas This initial commitment will enable our partners to continue delivering immediate life saving assistance but we need public funds so we can really make a big difference.

Pmi Responds To The W Sumatra Earthquake Disaster starstarstarstarstar   1st October 2009 - Views: 824 Pmi Responds To The W Sumatra Earthquake Disaster Based on report from the location in West Sumatra on Wednesday (1/10), 30 personnel from emergency center in PMI Bengkulu has been deployed on land transportation with couple trucks for logistics aid of 2 unit kitchen fields, body bags, tens of tents and 6 others relief items.

Caritas Opens Appeal For Pacific Tsunami starstarstarstarstar   30th September 2009 - Views: 827 A Caritas assessment team is on route to the worst affected areas of Western Samoa following an 8.3 earthquake 200km from the capital Apia.

Caritas Assessing Flood Damage In Philippines starstarstarstarstar   28th September 2009 - Views: 817 Caritas Australia’s local partners are commencing assessments after tropical storm Ketsana (Typhoon Ondoya) struck the main island of Luzon, triggering massive floods that have left over 100 dead and displaced 337,000 people.

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